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~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:23 pm

After a bit Flint gave an annoyed sigh, and swished his tail irritatedly. "The sun's going down." he murmured, watching the final light of the sunset in the distance. "We should stop here."

Mintpaw fluffed her fur as she layed on Lucina's shoulder. "Hey." She whispered to her ride. Then at what Fint said, she added "Yeah I can feel the tempature dropping." 
She spoke in her soft squeaky voice. 

Flint glanced around, until he spotted a small clearning. Turning to Pit once more, Flint gave him a quizzical look "There?" and he pointed to the small clearing.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:33 pm

"Mhm... I feel it, too," Lucina noted in agreement with Mintpaw, momentarily looking into the distance at the twilight sky.

"Hm?" Pit turned his gaze in the direction of the clearing that Flint was pointing to. "Looks like a good spot to me," he responded with a nod of confirmation.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:59 pm

"Right; let's waste no time, now." Robin stepped forward and began getting to work, knowing that more would come to join in setting up camp.

"All right! This spot's great!" Cookie cheered a bit, looking around at the scenery surrounding their camp. This clearing seemed to be near the edge of the forest, so it didn't feel tightly surrounded by thick vegetation on all sides. Of course, after a brief moment of taking in the sights, she joined in helping.

Seeing that everyone was now busy setting up camp for the night, Athena instantly began to pitch in. She began to clear an area for everyone to sleep in. After a while of pushing aside the vegetation and rocks, however, she found something strange. It appeared to be a container of some sort, intended to be worn strapped to the back. "What in the world?" Curiously, she took it, holding it up to examine it from various angles. "Hey, guys!" she called to the rest. "I found something strange over here!"


With night drawing near, the little, light-tentacled squid-person, still wandering through the woods, shivered slightly, feeling a bit of a chill. She stared into the distance towards the rapidly-setting sun. Looks like I'm gonna be stuck out here all night, she thought to herself, her heart sinking. Briefly, she thought about home. Specifically, she wondered about the current state of someone very close to her; her cousin. The last time she saw her cousin, she was heading off to participate in a competitive event for fun. She's gotta be getting back by now... The more she thought about her cousin, and how worried she must be with her gone, the worse she felt. She had no idea that her cousin was, in fact, in a similar situation to herself. If she knew this, she'd likely grow even more worried.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:06 pm

Torsolus and Link selected places to camp. Torsolus lay down under his capes, using them to cover his legs. He was fidgety and spent an inordinate amount of time shifting around, apparently seeking a comfortable position.

Link lay flat on the ground, staring up at the sky. After a few minutes of listening to Torsolus rustle around he went over to Robin. He sat by him with crossed legs.

Can't sleep.

Need a story.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:21 pm

Flint hesitated to help, but when even Mintpaw leapt off Lucina's shoulder and began dragging troublesome sticks, rocks and leaves out of the way, he decided to help her out. Once most of the nature difficult to sleep on had been removed, Flint sat at the base of a tree and leaned against it's roots. 

After a few moments, Mintpaw approached him. "Do you still have the seeds?" Flint narrowed his eyes, realizing he had dropped them on the road unintentionally. "No." He replied bluntly. "I don't need them." "You haven't slept in three nights, Flint! That can cause serious damage to your mind!" She spoke in a harsh whisper. Flint scoffed. "I'm FINE, ok?" He mimicked her harsh yet quiet tone."Why won't you just leave me alone?" "Because your keeping yourself from sleeping! Enough of that and you'll end up dead!" Flint growled irriatedly, thoroughly flustered by the quiet, generally soft spirited young cat's stubberness on the issue. 
"Fine." He snapped finally. Mintpaw gave a relieved sigh, and nosed three small seeds towards him. "Eat these. they'll help you sleep." Flint glared uncertainly at them. but with another soft nose from the apprentice, Fint picked them up, and hesitantly ate them.

It wasn't all that long before Mintpaw heard Flint softly snoring, and realized had fallen asleep leaning against the tree trunk. She smiled in satisfaction, and went about any final peperations necessary in getting the camp set up.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:08 pm

When nobody noticed her call to them, Athena assumed they were all simply too busy. Carefully, she sat the canister somewhere safe, then continued to prepare camp.

(OK, now I'm assuming we've timeskipped after supper or something, so I'll proceed accordingly.)

By now, Cookie was settled in her spot for the night, staring up at the stars. Despite the vague uneasiness earlier, she wasn't having much trouble at all falling asleep. Before long, she had done just that.

Robin, who was leaning against a log, looked over to see Link sitting there beside him on the ground. "Oh, hello there, Link," he greeted warmly. Upon "hearing" his request, however, he appeared slightly uncertain. "A story...? Well, aside from tales of battle that would likely be too exciting at this hour... I can't say for sure if I know any that would suffice at the moment, really," he admitted, sounding rather sorry. "Unless you're alright with me making up something as I go... Still, I'm not sure how well that would turn out," he continued with a soft, awkward chuckle.


Elsewhere, the squidlike person was in very low spirits. She was sleepy, cold, and the more time she spent in this world, the more the reality of being completely alone and hopelessly lost weighed on her heart and mind. In a last attempt to comfort herself, she began to quietly sing to herself some of the most memorable songs she often sang with her cousin. However, they just didn't sound the same with her voice alone.
By now, the creature wasn't very far from the large group's camp. After a few attempts at singing different songs, she only found herself missing home and her cousin even more, and was now on the verge of tears. Perching atop a boulder, and resting her Charger against it, she began to sing another song; the only one that was meant for her alone to sing. A slow, somewhat soulful song, she found herself putting even more emotion into it than usual. A few of the tears that had been welling up in her eyes even began to trickle down her cheeks as she lost herself in the melody.
The curious sound of the little creature's song carried far through the moonlit forest on the chilly air.

(Trivia/Note/Whatever: She's actually singing [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] which is her only solo song.)


Suddenly, a strange, melodic sound caught Robin's ear. "... Hold on... Do you hear that...?" he quietly asked all of a sudden, focusing on the sound for a moment. It sounded like some sort of peculiar voice.

Athena, who was sitting and examining the container she found earlier before going to sleep, heard the strange voice clearly. "What IS that...?" she asked nobody in particular. "It sounds like a voice singing, but..."
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:16 pm

Mintpaw trotted over to Athena, after finishing setting up Camp... In hopes of finding somewhere warm to sleep. But when she heard the sounds of Athena moving the canister around, and scented it's oddly metalic, strange smell, she gently nosed it "what is that?" She murmured, mostly to herself. 

Just then, her ears perked, and she heard the song of the weird creature. She lifted her head, stretching her neck, and parted her jaws, to try and pick up the scent of the source. She gave a curious murrow "Sh..Should we go see what it is??" She asked somewhat in response to Robin, inquiring if the others heard it

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:20 pm

He smiled a shrugged at Robin's modesty. It didn't matter to him. He hadn't slept naturally in about a thousand years, and if he was going to be well rested along with the rest of the group, he'd need help.

Suddenly he heard the sound of singing, just as Robin did. (Next part is optional) On a whim, he pulled his Ocarina out of his pocket and repeated the notes he'd heard, playing on it.

Torsolus sat up. "That's very nice, little bud, but I'm so sorry. I can't sleep if you--" Link grunted at him, putting a finger up for silence. He listened, looking out into the darkness, reaching into the silence, waiting for a response.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:32 pm

Just as Pit was beginning to doze off, he somewhat lazily opened his eyes when he heard a curious sound in the distance. "Is that... music?" he murmured, sounding half-asleep. Noticing some of his allies beginning to rise, he slowly stood up as well and made his way over to Athena and Mintpaw. "What's going on...?" he questioned, curiously glancing at the peculiar canister-like object Athena held for a moment.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:46 pm

"... I think we should," Robin responded to Mintpaw, slowly standing. "Now, I think only a few of us- three at the absolute maximum- should go to investigate," he suggested, looking around at everyone who was currently awake. "That way, we'll be less likely to appear as a threat to whoever or... whatever it is," he explained.

"I'm not sure," Athena responded to Pit, glancing down at Mintpaw for a moment, too. "I'd go investigate with the others, but I'm not sure it would be the best idea," she commented. "It's dark, and I'm totally unarmed. I'd probably become monster food if disaster struck."

Cookie was half-awoken by the sounds of both the singing and her allies' commotion. Confusedly, she raised her head and looked around, wondering what was going on.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:50 pm

Mintpaw glanced pleadingly in Robin's general direction "Can I go? If whoever it is is hurt I can help." She got to her paws, and swished her tail.

Flint started fidgiting a little in his sleep with an occasional groan.
Soon, I promise you..... I'll come for you.... 

Mintpaw's ears twitched at the newcomer's song, realizing it mixed well with the chirping crickets nearby.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:23 pm

Link momentarily put his Ocarina away and went in the voice's direction. Torsolus hopped up and followed them, calling out.

"Hello? We heard you. Are you out there?......You have a very sweet voice!"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:32 pm

"That sounds perfect," Robin responded to Mintpaw with a small nod. "We'll be off to investigate that voice now," he announced to the others. "If we need help, we'll call to you," he stated as he left. Shortly after he began walking, he looked over to see Torsolus joining them as well. He couldn't help smiling a bit at his enthusiasm before turning his attention towards the sound again. As they went, the voice quickly drew nearer and nearer.

Upon hearing a faint call in the distance, the squid-creature gasped slightly, interrupting her song. However, after briefly scanning her surroundings and not seeing anyone nearby, she slowly continued where she left off, staring up at the moon.

Noticing the singing stop for a moment, then begin again with a slightly hesitant sound at first, a small thought came to Robin's mind. "It may be best if we keep our voices down," he whispered to Torsolus. "If that singing stops, we may have trouble locating its source."
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:43 pm

Torsolus recoiled in apology. "Ohh!! Sooooorry." He whispered, cringing. He tiptoed for the rest of the search, actually remarkably quiet. Quieter than the sound of a fly cleaning itself.

Link had a harder time being quiet.

He chose to roll.


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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:46 pm

Mintpaw made a soft 'umhm' of agreement, as she strode forward. Her ears perked to their full extent as she followed the source of the noise. Her curiosity ate at her, and she realized this was one of the moments she wished she wasn't blind. She suddenly winced when she heard Link's obnoxious noises.


Flint's antics back at camp became slightly more severe. He started to toss and turn a little in his sleep. His soft murmurs growing quicker and with a hint of desperation to them. And every once in a while, when he wasn't murmuring incoherantly, he'd ocasionally groan or make another soft distressed noise. 


Mintpaw followed the source until she realized by the noise level they were quite close. She slowed herself "Should... Should we go say hi?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:56 pm

All of a sudden, the squid-creature was sure she heard some frantic grunting somewhere a distance away. Once again, she stopped singing with a gasp, which had a harsher, squeakier sound this time. After this, she simply sat, frozen in place, not making a sound. In case she wasn't just hearing things, she didn't want whatever was making the sounds to notice she was here. As an additional measure, she even assumed her squid form, to appear smaller and harder to notice.

Robin gasped a bit upon hearing Link's shouts while rolling. Somehow, he hadn't noticed the boy tagging along with them until now. "Link...?!" he whispered in surprise. However, he soon noticed something; he couldn't hear any singing at the moment. "... Great," he sighed. "I'll have to ask you, too, to be QUIET," he told Link in a strict, harsh whisper. "Though we may be too late now... Let's just wait and listen for a moment..." After he finished speaking, he glanced down at Mintpaw briefly and gave a subtle shake of his head, further signaling that they should simply pause and keep their ears open for now. However, only after he did this did it occur to him that she couldn't see it.

Last edited by Whitefeather on Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:01 am

When Torsolus heard Link, he frantically shushed him, whispering hoarsely. "LINK!? Ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" He reached out an arm and clapped a hand over his face before he could roll again.

Link listened to Robin's order with Torsolus' hand on his face and backed up, rubbing his hand on the back of his head in embarrassment. He and Torsolus listened for the voice to resume.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:12 am

After a while of sitting and listening carefully, the squid realized she couldn't hear anything now. ... Must've been imagining things, she thought to herself, returning to her humanoid form. She was very tired, after all. It was very possible that her mind was, indeed, beginning to fall asleep.
Taking a bit of a deep breath, she once again continued to sing soulfully.

Robin sighed in relief when he heard the singing resume. "Alright, that was close," he remarked, briefly looking back at the others before inching forward again. The voice was getting so near, he could tell its source was right in front of them.
Sure enough, after traveling a short distance, then passing a few trees, the creature came into view; her back facing the group, perched atop her boulder and staring to the sky as she sang in the language of her kind.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:21 am

When he saw that several of his allies had already headed out, Pit decided that it would probably be for the best if he stayed behind. Some time after they were out of sight, he heard the distressed sounds Flint was making in his sleep and glanced at the white-furred Kattaca concernedly.


Elsewhere, not far from the clearing she had appeared in, the dark-tentacled squid-creature continued to wander along, feeling utterly lost by now. As she walked, her golden gaze turned to the starry sky above as several thoughts swirled around in her mind. I should've been back at the studio ages ago! ... I totally would have been, too, if... this didn't happen. Whatever this even is... With a soft, helpless sigh, she simply kept moving, with no idea where she was even heading. Marie's probably so worried... she noted, feeling a pit of sadness in her stomach as she thought of her cousin. ... I miss her... I just wanna find a way back home already. Feeling a layer of tears beginning to form in her eyes, she wiped them with one of her gloved hands and continued to stare into the darkness of the night sky.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:23 am

Link stared after her curiously. He struggled to pin down exactly what kind of creature she was supposed to be. Her song stirred his soul. He wanted to learn it on his Ocarina for real.

"Robin...she's right there. What should we do?" Torsolus whispered when she came into view.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:26 am

Mintpaw couldn't see the creature, but she could hear that she was right infront of them. "I...I'm going to see what I can do." 

She lowered herself to the ground, and sllowly slinked forward, using her ears to accurately guide her. When she finally bumped into the rock the girl was sitting on cause she wasn't paying attention. She then she murrowed softly, and jumped up on the rock, refraining from speaking for now, to not startle her as badly. For now she gently rubbed herself on the girl.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:37 am

Robin wasn't entirely sure what sort of creature he was looking at, either. "I'm... not sure," he responded in a very soft whisper. "She doesn't appear hostile, but if we startle her, there's a possibility she could attack..." However, just then, he saw Mintpaw approaching the creature. At first, he almost felt a need to stop her. However, realizing that she would likely proceed in a gentle manner, he relaxed and just observed.

Suddenly, the creature felt something soft rub against her, causing her to jump slightly and stop singing. "E-eh...??" Upon slowly looking down, she saw a small cat beside her, which soon brought a subtle, soft smile to her face. "Oh...! Eheh... Hello, there," she greeted quietly, stroking the cat's fur with a white-gloved hand. She was so sleepy by now, she hardly questioned where the creature even came from.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:42 am

Mintpaw pessed herself against the creature, and layed down. Then she looked up t her, and said "Who are you?" She spoke in her softest voice "I'm Mintpaw by the way..."

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:52 am

The creature stared down at Mintpaw with droopy eyes, even droopier than usual due to her tiredness. Only now did she notice the cat's eyes, gasping slightly. However, she simply carried on and responded to her question. "Marie," she told the cat with a very subtle smile, slightly revealing her pointed teeth (though they wouldn't be noticed for obvious reasons). She didn't really seem surprised that a cat was speaking to her, unlike how most would react. "Nice to meet ya... Mintpaw..." Suddenly, she found her words just narrowly avoiding being cut off by a great yawn. "S-sorry," she apologized afterward, rubbing an eye.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 21 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:06 am

Mintpaw's eyes grew wide "Are you tired?" She asked sheepishly "You could come and sleep with my friends and I... I'm sure we'd love to have you." She smiled as warmly as she could muster at the little Inkling


Flint seemed to still be locked in his dream. He continued to act distressed in his sleep. Though murmuring a bit less for the moment, he continued to toss and turn and groan quietly.

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