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~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:23 pm

"Yes..." Lucina replied, her voice sounding somewhat quiet with worry. "I often wonder how they're doing; the thought that they could be facing some sort of crucial moment as we speak... it makes me feel so helpless, knowing that we can't be there to face it by their sides..."


Mandy watched as Mintpaw jumped down from the log, then gave a little nod. "OK; good luck, Mintpaw...!" she called after the kitten, her eyes briefly following her as she disappeared into the forest.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:05 am

"Lucina... I understand." Robin's expression grew even more sympathetic, almost pained. "I feel exactly the same way. Of course, I want to believe that the Shepherds will be just fine while we're gone... That they'll be able to fend off anything that dares to come their way... But I can't. This is probably a self-centered way to think, but as long as I'm not there to assist them with my tactics, I fear for their lives more than ever."
As the Shepherds' trusted tactician, Robin usually had the lives of each and every soldier--each and every one of their friends--resting in his hands. He directed them with genuine care and concern for each of their lives, and, no matter how great the force they faced, they always trusted him to pull them through safely. Being so far away, and unable to offer his help if they gravely needed it filled him with a deeply uneasy, perhaps even panicked feeling every time he thought about it. However, of course, for the sake of their allies in this world, he did his best to keep it hidden.


"'Kay. Hope you get somethin' good!" Cookie called to Mintpaw as she left, waving cheerfully. "... So, uh..." In truth, Cookie wasn't quite sure what to say next. She had plenty of questions for Mandy, but wasn't sure if now was the time to ask any of them.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:28 am

Lucina listened closely to Robin's words, returning the sympathetic look he had given her. "It isn't self-centered at all, Robin... I completely understand what you mean," she assured him softly.


"Humm..." Mandy looked rather deep-in-thought for a moment, seemingly trying to find something to talk about. She wasn't having much success, though, and ended up falling into another shy, awkward silence before long.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:12 pm

Robin appeared somewhat reassured after hearing Lucina's response, even smiling briefly. Sighing, he stared thoughtfully upward into the night sky. "... You know, I probably shouldn't after being here for so long, but I still almost feel as if this could all be some sort of dream," he admitted with a wistful chuckle. "Even now, whenever we turn in for the night, I can't help feeling there's some slight chance I could simply wake up in the Shepherds' camp the next morning..." Once again, his serious, troubled expression returned. "Of course, with each passing day, It becomes even more apparent that this is all too real..."


Realizing that the conversation was going nowhere, Cookie had to say something. "... So, uh... I wonder who's gonna train you for battle?" she wondered, her face suddenly brightening with curiosity. "Er, not to scare you or anything, but we kinda run into some dangerous stuff sometimes... So it's good to know how to fight, even a little!"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:56 pm

Lucina glanced up at the sky as well, her expression once again filling with seriousness as she gazed into its darkness. With a soft, subtly distressed sigh, she somewhat quickly turned to look at Robin once again. "As much as I wish that to be so, sometimes... You're probably right. This has been going on far too long to simply be a dream..."
After she spoke, Lucina suddenly happened to glance down at their cooking meal, gaining a look of surprise when she did so. "A-ah! Robin, the soup...!" she gasped, sounding rather caught off-guard. Goodness, how long have we left it there...?!


"Battle...?" Mandy echoed back rather nervously, going quiet to let Cookie continue speaking. "... I-I see. Uhm..." After a quick look around camp, she brought her attention back to the younger girl. "W-who, ah... Well, they'd have be pretty patient, I bet... My fighting skills are definitely, er... nonexistent."
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:14 pm

(Oh my gosh it would be so amazingly hilarious if Flint trained her. IDK how that would go even, he wouldn't be very patient, but he does have some hand to hand combat knowledge to offer)

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:25 am

(Realistically, I don't think anyone would ever let that happen. xD)

"Eh...?" Slowly, Robin looked towards the bubbling pot again, his eyes widening when he noticed something. "Ack, the soup! I-I lost track of time!" he exclaimed, sounding a little flustered. Instantly, he gave it a little stir to see how it was doing. A lot of liquid had boiled off, so the consistency of the soup was now, in a way, more like a watery stew. Not only this, but some of the ingredients had begun to stick to the sides of pot, though they were scraped off as the pot was stirred.
"... Er... OK, the broth level's DEFINITELY gone down more than I had hoped," Robin noted, looking a little uncertain. "But I don't want to use up any more of our water supply, and I don't think anyone wants to wait for me to boil any river water..." With a sigh, he removed the pot from the fire. "I guess this will just have to do..."


"Hm..." Cookie's gaze drifted around camp as she pondered. "Well..." Just then, an idea appeared to blink into her head when she looked towards the fire. "Oh...! Maybe Robin's gonna train you!" she suggested. "He's patient, and he's actually also reeeaaally nice! He's sorta quiet, too... I think you'd really like him," she commented with a smile. Just then, a second idea suddenly came to her. "OH! Or maybe Torsolus!" she added. "He's reeeaaally nice, too! And super fun! He'd probably be a great mentor!" After looking once more in the direction of Robin, then Torsolus, she turned her attention back to Mandy. "You should totally try asking either one of 'em about training," she told her, bright-eyed. "Whoever you choose, they're both great!"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:05 am

Lucina, still appearing slightly flustered, herself, watched as Robin moved the pot away from the fire, leaning forward to look inside at what had become of its' contents. "Oh my..." With a small pause, she leaned back after getting a good look at their meal. "... Perhaps the taste will make up for its' rather... underwhelming appearance...?" she suggested awkwardly, sounding hopeful.


"Hm, yeah... They do seem nice," Mandy responded thoughtfully, remembering when she had met the other members of the group, earlier. "Thanks for the suggestions...! I'm gonna ask one of them as soon as I get a chance," she told Cookie with a friendly smile.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:31 pm

(Sorry it's been so long)

Mintpaw wasn't gone for long, and when she came back, she didn't bring a mouse, bird, frog, or any other sort of animal one would expect a cat to bring when they had set out to hunt, she brought back herbs. A bit of variety, but one in particular seemed to fill the majority of her new collection. IT was long, with small numerous little purple blossoms.

She walked over towards Robin, Lucina, and the food, dropping her herbs next to the pot. She glanced up at nothing with a hopeful expression, and timidly murmured "u-uh.. Whi-while I was out, I.. I found these... The..." unable to find a word to describe the herb in a way creatures without a good sense of smell could understand, she reached her paw towards, and pawed at the plants with the purple blossoms "Uhmm.. these ones. They're... Supposed to be very.. Calming when smelled, o-or eaten..." The little kitten could smell the discomfort and general tension in the group, and considering what they had been through earlier that day, something to help restore some morale might be good. "I-I was wondering... If..If it'd taste al-alright... to you, if.. if you could include it....in your food. To help everyone settle... for the night..." Anyone else with her thought process would look away right now, not wanting to see any judgement or hesitation on the expressions of those being asked the request. But this wasn't a problem for Mintpaw, so she kept staring blankly at the sky.

The little she-cat had also found, and decided to collect some Thyme, which she planned on giving to Torsolus, having heard him sobbing earlier, (which was very unlike him) and Flint, if she could convince him to take any, (he was still not sleeping, and still fighting her at every turn), but at the moment this wasn't important.


Flint's own nose twitched at the smell of the food. He was hungry, quite hungry, after all that walking, and the food was smelling better after Lucina had helped Robin with it's contents, so the white-furred humanoid cat looked towards the gathering around the food, wondering how it was coming along. Noting it might be a little bit still, even though the pot had been pulled off the fire, Flint turned his attention to Torsolus. Wondering how he was holding up after earlier. While the Kattacus didn't fully understand the reason behind Torsolus's shout, and apparently, his request for the euthanasia of the bar keeper's daughter, he still felt for the creature with the pinkish-purple cape, and watched from where he sat, reading Torsolus's expression from where he was.

(Fun fact: the herb Mintpaw is suggesting they include to the stew is lavender)

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:28 pm

(I realize the food's not vague anymore but that was so funny and the stew is burned so I wanna run with it)

Link took some tongs and forked his supper into the bowl.
He tried eating with a fork, but it burned the fork, so he ate it like a corncob. It tasted great with some spicy, savory Scherchera condiment. A quick dip, squirt, and slurp and he was on his way. He lifted his chopsticks to his mouth tentatively, trying not to let the noodles melt or the sauce get caught in his throat.

It tasted savory, yet sour. Sweet, yet bitter. Strong, yet thoughtful. EXISTENTIAL, YET ECSTATIC.
It was indescribable.
He felt so sick when he ate it.
He finished the whole plate.
He cleaned his dirty spatula and went to bed.


Torsolus was watching Mandy. She seemed really timid. Any other time, in any other world, he'd love to have her. But after what they'd been through, after where they were going, and what they had to eat...he wondered if she would be mentally better off if she weren't with them.

He clenched his fist in defiance.

If she is going with us, I'll keep her safe! And maybe....possibly.....I don't know, it's whatever....ask her to leave if it gets too intense.....

(I actually love having Mandy, this is just Torsolus' thinking)

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Sun May 06, 2018 1:47 am

Name: Mechanica - Gender: Female - Age: 15 years - Species: Human - Fandom: ARMS
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Personality and traits:
Mechanica is a bright, enthusiastic, and rather quirky young girl with a particular knack for and interest in working with machines. She has plenty of heart and shows great dedication to the things that mean a lot to her, and when faced with an obstacle, will try her hardest to overcome it. As she lacks the gift of ARMS (an ability that some individuals in her world simply wake up with one day, giving them stretchy, spring like limbs in place of their regular arms), she even built herself a fully-functional mech suit so that she could follow her dream of competing alongside other ARMS fighters.
She quite enjoys reading, as well, appearing to own a large collection of books back in her own world. Additionally, she apparently isn't particularly skilled when it comes to drawing (anything other than blueprints), but she may be entirely unaware of this fact.
One especially notable quirk of Mechanica's is her tendency to frequently make use of onomatopoeia in her speech when performing various actions. These onomatopoeia can range from basic, commonly-heard ones, to entirely spontaneous vocalizations that she comes up with in the moment.

Mechanica could be considered quite a genius, especially when it comes to the topic of mechanical things; often helping out at her family's scrapyard in her everyday life, she's also gathered a lot of skill through tinkering with and disassembling machinery in order to learn about its inner workings. Other than this, she simply possesses the basic, average abilities of a human.
However, being in her mech suit provides Mechanica with significant armor, and allows her to hover in midair for a short period of time. Also, of course, it gives her a way to fight, using its two extendable ARMS.
Though Mechanica's mech suit generally acts as effective armor, fire is definitely one of its greatest weaknesses; when faced with fire, it is prone to heating up very quickly inside, which could easily become a potential danger for its wearer. Blows with enough force to knock the suit over can leave her particularly vulnerable, as well, as she has to spend several moments bringing it back to its feet.

Additional appearance/build info:
Height/weight on her own, outside of her mech suit: 5'2"/99 pounds
Inside of her mech suit: 7'8"/1202 pounds
The outfit she wears when piloting her mech consists of a form-fitting yellow and dark blue bodysuit, as well as yellow fingerless gloves layered over longer, dark blue ones. (This outfit can be seen [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

She'll be coming to the Crossover world with her mech suit, equipped with a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (a large, heavy ARM with the ability to briefly stun targets) on the left, and a [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (a lightweight, multi-hitting ARM with electric properties) on the right.
Voice details: Mechanica's voice is particularly high-pitched, with a squeaky quality to it; additionally, her native language is Japanese, so she will be heard speaking with a Japanese accent by others.

(I'll RP out any details that might not be included in the form~)


(Welp, I couldn't resist; I just had to bring Mechie here. ;w;)
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Sun May 06, 2018 10:05 pm

(OK, trimming my posts down to gain momentum~ (We'll say that Robin added the herbs to the food, by the way.) Now I'm timeskipping to that night for a strange and mysterious dream sequence~)

That night, Cookie had a dream. She was riding on a train, traveling across a vast, empty field that seemed to stretch on forever. She watched the featureless landscape roll by out the window, a sea of perfect, light green grass without as much as a single rock interrupting it. Suddenly, something different came into view. A relatively short distance away, she could see what appeared to be some sort of party or carnival. Oddly, she could even recognize some of her best friends among those attending. Seeing this filled her with a longing to be there, and she turned to speak excitedly with whoever was sitting beside her.
"Hey, guys, look at--" Cookie's speech was interrupted when she saw who she was sitting with. They all appeared to be lifeless mannequins, possessing featureless faces. Actually, the entire train was filled with such individuals. For some reason, seeing them filled Cookie with a feeling of empty sadness, and watching as the party faded into the distance made her feel even sadder.
Just then, the entire scene changed, as often happens in dreams. Suddenly, Cookie found herself standing in what appeared to be the same empty field the train was traveling through; however, there stood before her a single hill, with a single boulder sitting atop it.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Sun May 06, 2018 10:36 pm

Within Cookie's dream, an unusual, humanoid creature could be seen floating just above the boulder atop the hill, holding their hands up to their mouth in a fashion that made it look as though they were playing some sort of flute; however, their hands were completely empty.
The creature, which was primarily purple in color and appeared very peaceful, didn't seem to notice Cookie right away, their eyes remaining closed as they focused entirely on playing their "instrument".

Last edited by Mistystar on Sun May 06, 2018 11:04 pm; edited 3 times in total
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Sun May 06, 2018 11:00 pm

Link flopped over with his bag for a pillow and went to sleep relatively quickly.

Torsolus also wrapped himself in his cape....and tried to fall asleep. Tried.

He knew he could accomplish it. He knew he eventually would. It would just take awhile. He made a deliberate effort not to think, instead opting to listen to the quiet, polite bustle of other adventurers settling around him. When the drowziness finally came, he was grateful...and then he was out.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Sun May 06, 2018 11:10 pm

As she was actually looking sort of downward in sadness, Cookie didn't notice the creature right away. However, when she heard the sound of a flute, her gaze instantly flicked upward to see its source. She stared for a moment in wonder at the strange and whimsical being, pondering where the music was coming from when they only appeared to be pretending to play a flute. Overcome by curiosity--and loneliness, as well--she slowly climbed the hill and approached the being, staring up at them with a fascinated expression. "Um... Hi there," she greeted softly, not wanting to startle them.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Sun May 06, 2018 11:12 pm

Mintpaw made her way over to Torsolus, noting his trouble to sleep, and curled up next to him. Letting out a soft rhythmic purr to soothe him. It was her job, after all, as Medicine-Cat apprentice to keep her clan, or friends in this case, happy and healthy. One way of doing that was making sure they got sleep.

She herself was asleep pretty quickly, but was nudged awake every time Torsolus moved.


Flint sat under the tree where he had placed himself earlier, and watched the stars a relative calmness coming over his face. He enjoyed the silence, for a few hours. Tiredness tugged at his eyes, and made his wings droop but he fought it off valiantly. Even with the poppyseeds Mintpaw had slipped in his stew as it was being carried to him. He hadn't slept much in the past few months anyway. Flint stubbornly put a mental block on the train of thought that started to nudge it's way to the front of the white Kattaca's mind, and moved on, lowering his gaze shamefaced from the brilliant night sky.

He glanced around at the group sleeping peacefully in their various chosen resting places. What did they see in him anyway? "I'm not super important. And I've done nothing for them." Flint considered traveling alone for a moment. The quiet was peaceful, after all.

"That would be pointless." he reminded himself. Not that what the group was doing had much point, in his opinion, but it had more point then wandering aimlessly alone.

He let out a soft, tired, sigh, and lowered his head to his knees. resting his chin on them. He started to dozee........

And quickly shook himself awake.

He could NOT sleep right now. No matter what that pesky feline gave him. Darn thing. It made it really hard for him to enjoy the night's peace, fighting sleep the whole time.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Sun May 06, 2018 11:18 pm

Torsolus was warmed and calmed by Mintpaw's soft, tiny form. He wanted to hug it, but he didn't want to bother her. Her purring relaxed him enough so that some of the blockage between his soul and his face was relieved, and his face contorted with tears. He exhaled into the sound, closing his eyes.

Tonight. For this very night, for this whole night, everyone is here. For this whole night, there's nothing to be afraid of. This is a night of rest. This is a night of relief. Everyone is here. Mintpaw is here. They won't leave....

He would have slept anyway.

But in a great, unexpected mercy...

His dreams were pleasant.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon May 07, 2018 12:01 am

When the creature heard what sounded like the voice of a child gently speaking to them, their eyelids quickly fluttered open as they paused their serene song. "Ah! Hello, there...!" they gasped softly as they greeted Cookie, looking rather surprised to see the young girl suddenly standing before them. "I didn't even notice you approaching; my apologies," they continued, lowering themself until the tip of one of their feet just barely touched the surface of the boulder. Then, floating a little closer to Cookie just a moment later, they curiously began to examine her. "I don't believe I've ever met you, before...!"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon May 07, 2018 12:53 am

Cookie's expression lit right up when the being spoke to her, her widened eyes actually growing a little misty as she smiled from ear to ear. The very sight of such a fantastical and friendly creature filled her with delight; this was just the sort of cheer she so desperately needed at the moment. As far as she was concerned, she was quickly making a brand new friend. "And I've never seen anyone like you before...!" she responded to them, herself also brimming with curiosity. "What kind of creature are you...??"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon May 07, 2018 1:46 am

When the purple being saw just how delighted Cookie looked after they had spoken to her, a joyful smile quickly came to their face as they floated before her, listening to the rest of her words. However, when she went on to ask them what kind of creature they were, they took a particularly long pause, glancing away with a thoughtful, perhaps even troubled expression. No... She doesn't need to hear that. She's the first one I've seen here in so long...
Giving a small shake of their head, the creature returned their attention to Cookie, hoping their silence hadn't begun to make her overly suspicious in some way. "I-..." they trailed off, straightening their posture while still floating and replacing their uncertain expression with another, rather serene smile. "... Am a resident of the dream world," they finished, rising up a short distance to perform an aerial loop, then proceeding to take a small bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you!"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Mon May 07, 2018 11:33 am

"Dream world...?" Cookie echoed back thoughtfully, a spark of apparent realization then appearing on her face as her mind processed what this could mean. "Wait, does that mean I'm actually dreaming right now?!" she asked, looking extremely excited at first, but this excitement slowly gave way to sadness. Hang on... If this is a dream, then... that means you're not actually real... doesn't it...?
Unbeknownst to Cookie, however, she was currently being watched. Somebody was waiting for just the right moment...
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Mon May 07, 2018 12:22 pm

"Mhm... That, you are," the being gave a slight nod of confirmation at Cookie's question, chuckling lightheartedly as they watched the look of excitement that came to her. However, as her expression gradually faded into one of sadness instead, a frown appeared on their face, and they even appeared to droop slightly in disappointment. Guessing that perhaps the girl's sadness simply came from a reluctance to leave her dream behind--not yet aware of her true troubles--the being decided to try cheering her up. "Hey, now..." they began softly, gently putting a gloved hand to the bottom of her chin and attempting to raise the position of her head slightly. "No need to look so glum...! You can still have fun while you're here, right?" they told her, gaining a playful smile as they hoped that their effort to be uplifting would succeed.
The being currently remained mostly unaware that, at that moment, Cookie was being watched. However, a part of them suddenly began to feel a vague sense that darkness might be lurking nearby, causing their expression to become somewhat alert.

Last edited by Mistystar on Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue May 15, 2018 1:18 am

"Yeah... I guess you're right," Cookie responded, smiling a little as the being tried to cheer her up. Even if she was very sure that her new friend didn't actually exist, it only meant that she had to make the most of every moment they had. Maybe, if she was lucky, this would even turn out to be a recurring dream, and she would get to meet her "friend" again sometime.
Just then, before she could come up with something fun to do, Cookie noticed something out of the corner of her vision that she hadn't before. Floating around her were five glass-like orbs, each a different color: red, blue, yellow, green, and white. They somewhat reminded her of marbles, as each one had a vaguely star-shaped core at its center. She cast a curious glance at them, wondering what exactly they were, and how long they had been there. Whatever they were, just looking at them made her feel strangely at ease. "Ooh... Where did those come from...?" she wondered aloud.
Suddenly, several shadow-like figures swooped towards Cookie. Startled, she watched as they snatched all but the red orb away, then scattered in all directions. "Wha?!" Although she wasn't entirely sure what had just happened, a moment after the shadowy figures disappeared from view, troubling things began to happen. The sky gradually darkened, and a thick, ominous fog rolled in. Most disturbing of all, however, was the debris that could be seen rising up from the field around the hill, appearing to come from nowhere. It looked exactly like what she had seen in the ruined town, and the sight of it filled her with dread.
"N-no... Not again...!" Cookie cowered for a moment, but soon remembered something. She knew she was dreaming, so she could probably clear away the frightening atmosphere with ease. She took a deep breath, gathered her thoughts, closed her eyes, and focused on what she wanted: for the darkness to lift, and for the scene to return to how it was before. Despite focusing deeply for several moments, however, nothing appeared to be changing. When she opened her eyes to see what was going on, she noticed that the sky was still dark and hazy, and still filled with eerie, floating debris. "... W-why isn't it changing?" she asked nervously. Despite the fact that she was aware of this dream, the situation seemed to be out of her control.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue May 15, 2018 5:29 pm

"Ah, these?" the being responded calmly, motioning to the five colorful orbs before flying in a small circle around them, then swiftly returning to their original position afterwards. "To put it quite simply, they represent the energy of dreams--,"
The being barely had time to finish their explanation before they were abruptly interrupted by the sight of the shadow-like creatures, who didn't hesitate to steal most of the marble-like orbs as soon as they swooped into view. "Oh, no...!" the being gasped as their vague suspicion of lurking darkness was suddenly confirmed. If there really is such a lack of Visitors right now... they must be growing especially restless, they speculated, their expression becoming increasingly serious as the scene's formerly-peaceful atmosphere began to transform into something much more ominous.
For a moment, when the being heard Cookie utter the words: "N-no... Not again...!", they wondered if she had perhaps experienced a similar nightmare sometime before now; however, they didn't have time to stay on this thought for long, quickly returning their attention to the present threat. "The-... The orbs!" they started to speak, briefly cutting themself off when they remembered that they had never gotten the chance to tell Cookie the actual name of these objects. "We need to recover them... Come on!" The being then suddenly held out a hand, looking as though they were reaching towards her.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 38 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue May 15, 2018 5:51 pm

Cookie stared up at the being for a moment with enormous eyes before responding with a nod of her head. Her expression made it apparent that she was going to try and be brave. "R-right!" she responded in the clearest tone she could manage, reaching out and grabbing the being's hand without hesitation...
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