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~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue May 15, 2018 6:28 pm

As soon as Cookie reached out to grab the being's hand, there was a brief, bright flash of light, which quickly cleared to reveal that this action had actually caused the two to merge into one, now sharing a single body. Though this body maintained the exact appearance of the purple being, both them and Cookie were equally in control.
Alright, now, let's go...! With a determined, confident expression, the being began to float higher into the air to grant a better view of their and Cookie's surroundings. After a moment, their gaze settled on a random direction. That way looks promising... What do you say?
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue May 15, 2018 7:24 pm

(I am thouroughly enjoying this)

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Wed May 16, 2018 12:29 am

Following the bright flash, Cookie felt very, very strange, and couldn't help noticing that the being she had been talking to was now strangely absent. She wasn't yet sure about what had happened, but she knew that something unusual was definitely going on, and couldn't help worrying a little. As for herself, she suddenly felt much lighter and more graceful than usual. Actually, she felt as if she were floating. Additionally, something felt very strange about the back of her head. Reaching up, she felt two long, downward-curving horns of some kind sprouting from the back of her head, causing her eyes--which were a rather striking blue color, with cat-like pupils--to widen. Next, she held her arms out in front of her face, only to see two white-gloved hands, floating without wrists at the openings of two brightly-patterned cuffs. At this point, it was very clear: somehow, she had actually become the creature herself--or, at least, that's definitely what it looked like.
Suddenly, Cookie heard the being's voice in her mind, and felt herself involuntarily beginning to float skyward. As it turned out, she hadn't merely transformed; she and the being were actually somehow sharing the same body, and, as it seemed, either one of them could control their movements. This was definitely unlike anything else she had ever experienced before. U-uhm, s-sure? she responded mentally, still struggling to process what exactly was happening at the moment. But are we... Are we actually like... We're TWO PEOPLE IN ONE right now, aren't we?! she remarked, clearly overwhelmed by amazement, and somewhat distracted from their mission as a result. What if I mess something up? What if I try to fly in one direction, but you wanna go in another direction and we crash?!
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Wed May 16, 2018 1:17 am

The dream being was just about to eagerly take off in their chosen direction when Cookie agreed, but stayed frozen in place when they heard the following questions of the clearly overwhelmed Visitor. Yes, we certainly are...! they started to respond internally. Oh, but don't worry about that. As long as we just let our movements flow, we should be perfectly fine! they continued, not sounding particularly worried at all. And of course, staying in communication is always helpful, too... If you feel we're about to, say, collide with a huge tree, I urge you not to hesitate in putting a stop to it! the being added with lightheartedness in their tone.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:12 pm

(Welp, we really need to move this along so people can jump back in. I'm now going to strip my posts down to the absolute bare minimum so we can return to a scene that everyone can participate in.)

U-uhm, okay... Cookie was still definitely feeling unsure about this entire thing, but part of her trusted that the mysterious being knew what they were doing, at least to some extent. I think I'll just kinda... hang back and not get in your way for now, she told them internally. Is that alright?
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:31 pm

Sure thing; that isn't a problem at all, the being reassured Cookie internally, giving a small nod of their head. Then, within another moment, they once again focused their gaze in their chosen direction. Now then, let's get to it...! they continued triumphantly and eagerly as they swiftly flew ahead.

As the dream being began to fly, they recalled that they hadn't even gotten a proper chance to explain the nature of the colorful orbs in better detail to the girl. Ah, about the objects that we're trying to retrieve... You still hardly know anything about them, do you?
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:35 pm

Nope, Cookie replied. What are they? They were really pretty... And they must be important, right?
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:59 pm

They are called Ideya, and they are indeed quite important, the being confirmed in response. Every Visitor possesses five of them, representing their consciousness in this dimension... They are the Red Ideya of Courage, the White Ideya of Purity, the Blue Ideya of Intelligence, the Green Ideya of Growth, and the Yellow Ideya of Hope, they continued as they kept on their path of flight. Nightmarens-- such as the beings who ambushed you back there-- are always making attempts to steal them from Visitors, with the intention of making this place disappear... the being concluded their explanation, determinedly keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:08 pm

Ohhhhhhh... Welp, we'd better get 'em back fast, then! Cookie remarked with enthusiasm. Good thing they didn't get the red one, at least! After hearing the explanation, she couldn't help thinking about how all but her red Ideya--which apparently represented her courage--were stolen earlier. To her, this was a perfect reason to remain optimistic; she still had her courage.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:27 pm

Yes, that's the spirit! the purple dream being cheered in response, doing an enthusiastic aerial loop before continuing onward.

After a while, they were fortunately able to locate and, after battling several Nightmaren along the way, recover each of the missing Ideya. Following this, the surrounding darkness of the atmosphere gradually began to fade away.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:34 pm

After they had completed their mission, Cookie was extremely relieved to see light returning to her dream that night. She then spent the rest of it simply getting to know her "new friend" better, having a (much-needed) lighthearted time. Though she was still, for some reason, unable to really control much of her dream, at least it wasn't scary anymore.

(OK, we have made it through the dream~ Morning should be here now)
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:38 pm

The next morning, Flint was sitting on a nearby rock, resting his arms on his knees, and his head hung. Still fighting sleep. The only way one could tell he was awake was his ear twitched at each bird call, swivelling towards it to hear it better.


Mintpaw continued to sleep until Torsolus moved to wake her.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:41 pm

Link slept in. Again.

Torsolus awoke to find himself hugging Mintpaw. He felt like he'd discovered a melted chocolate bar in his pocket. His feelings of sorrow from the day before came back with his memories, but were not as strong. He felt the strength to face another day.

Let's just find out about the monster, hey. We can reason with it. No big deal. Everyone wants stories to have happy endings. This is no different.

He gave her a little squeeze, and carefully unwrapped his arms from around her.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:57 pm

Mintpaw stretched and let out a soft murrow, when Torsolus squeezed her. Her milky white, blind eyes blinked open, and looked aimlessly and awkwardly around her, slow and meticulous, careful and cautious, very unlike the quick purposeful movements in the eyes of her awake companions. She glanced leaned towards the hominid coddling her, and licked his cheek, before standing, and sniffing around everyone, doing instinctual daily rounds taught to her by her mentor back in her home clan.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:02 pm

Lucina, as usual, was one of the first members of the group to awaken that morning. As there didn't seem to be much to tend to just yet, she simply stood by a tree at the edge of camp and gazed out at the surrounding scenery, taking a moment to relax and prepare herself mentally for whatever their journey might bring them today.

Mandy was just beginning to come to at this moment, rising from a relatively deep sleep. Though still feeling rather anxious and somewhat overwhelmed over suddenly being swept into a completely unfamiliar place, getting a good night's sleep had at least restored her energy and, by extension, improved her mood. Glancing around at the various other members of the group, she hoped that soon she would be able to get to know them all a little better.

Pit, meanwhile, had yet to wake up that morning. Currently, he still lay in his makeshift bed in a slightly curled up position, letting out the occasional not-so-subtle snore.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:32 pm

When the time for her to return to the waking world finally came, Cookie felt rather sad. She had a feeling that, even if this day got off to an alright start, they would probably end up running into some other disturbing scene later on. She did remember what Ember told them about the monstrous tooth, and she wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing it, remembering what Ember had to say about it. Maybe she would have been curious before, but at this point, all she could do was fear the worst. Whether they were to be ambushed by some horrific monsters, or go on to discover another grisly scene of death and suffering, or even both, she just knew something was probably going to go horribly wrong. Wearily, she pushed herself up, then went to sit on a log at the heart of camp, looking heavy-hearted and thoughtful. She honestly, truly wished the creature from her dream could have come with her to the waking world; everything felt so much less bleak with them around.

Much like Pit and Link, Marie was sleeping in. Though she hardly made a sound, her expression didn't look entirely peaceful. It would seem that her dreams that night weren't particularly pleasant.

Robin had woken up at about the same time as most of the group, and was currently looking over their supplies. He remembered where they were headed that day, and in case something were to happen--whether it be when they arrived or somewhere along the way--he wanted to be sure they were prepared for anything.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:40 pm

Torsolus saw Cookie's tired expression. It just didn't look right. It didn't physically fit her face. He dragged himself up and sat next to her. "Hey, Cookie....how ya holdin' up?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:47 pm

Noticing Torsolus taking a seat next to her, Cookie looked up at him for a moment before giving him a hug. "I'm... alright, I guess," she told him, though there wasn't really any confidence behind these words. After a brief silence--not yet letting go, and continuing to hug--she spoke again. "... What if we come across something like... that again...?" she asked rather quietly, in reference to the horrors of the ruined town.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:53 pm

Torsolus' heart was saddened. He didn't end the hug. The thought didn't even occur to him.

"Well, there's always....see, every story--.....we'll just stay together, and....."

He sighed.

"Aw, who am I kidding. That wasn't fair. You were too young to see that. I wasn't much older than you when I first saw something like that, and I honestly hoped nobody else would ever see that. It's just all unfair."

He searched his mind.

"Hey. There are other brave misses like you who haven't had to see that. And now that WE have....well....we'll just have to find that monster and make sure this ends with us, hey? We'll have to be super brave.

And you know what....? You...you won't have to do anything, okay? Just tell the rest of us if you see something like that and we'll take care of it. You won't have to worry about it. I'll make sure of that."

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:05 pm

Mintpaw suddenly realized she was smelling fear and anxiety. And she knew Torsolus was caring for Cookie, so it wasn't her, she looked over, and smelled the fear scent mixed with Mandy's scent. She carefully walked over to her, and sat next to her, laying wit her back pressed against Mandy's arm. "Hi." She said looking in Mandy's general direction "H-how are you this... Morning?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:07 pm

Mandy suddenly felt something soft press against her arm, causing her to quickly glance down. When she saw Mintpaw there to greet her, a gentle smile made its way onto her face. "Oh, hi..." she greeted back, carefully reaching down to give the small cat's fur a friendly little scratch. "I'm doing OK... Still trying to get used to all this, though," she added, her expression growing slightly awkward.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:18 pm

Mintpaw purred "I know. It was difficult for me at first too." She rested her head on Mandy's leg, pushing her back into each of Mandy's scratches "Th-then again, I-I tend to be... Afraid of everything..." She closed her milky white eyes, scarred and useless "Bu-but these are.. g-good people... They... They won't... Th-they won't hurt you.." She shoved the thought of Annalise out of her head as soon as she had it.

"Y-you're safe here." She smiled "If the-they didn't reject a-and let down a blind cat w-with no battle experience... A-at all... T-they won't leave you, and they'll h-help you like they've he-helped me." Mintpaw was lashing out wildly in her mind at the slight touch of disbelief she felt in her words. So what if Torsolus had tricked her? Would she have helped Annalise if he had told her what he intended to do? She wasn't sure. She wasn't sure what would have gone down differently. But she did her best to believe he had his reasons for keeping that from her. Of course all this she kept hidden from Mandy right now. Mandy needed encouragement, not to be saddled with Mintpaw's very weak and insignificant doubts.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:52 pm

Mandy's face once again softened into a smile at Mintpaw's reassuring words, noting to herself that she was very lucky to have encountered such apparently welcoming individuals pretty much instantly upon arriving here. "That's... That's a relief to hear," she started in response, momentarily imagining what might have happened in a not-as-fortunate scenario. "It must be really important for everyone to stick together out here..." she noted after just a brief pause, now beginning to lightly run her hand across the cat's gray and white fur. Noticing the timidity in her youthful voice, she hoped that this action would be soothing to her.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:07 am

Mintpaw arched her back into the stroke as she had with the scratches "isn't it?" She mused with passion. "Encountering anyone else.. " She shook her head. "I'll admit, we-we aren't exactly a lay back and do wh-whatever type of group.." She glanced away hoping this wouldn't spook Mandy away "We're usually busy... Protecting others.. And our own." She had a face somehow lost in memories, even without being able to see her pupils as she continued "L-like right now, we-we're on our way to find, and defeat this.. thing.. (She didn't want to say 'monster') that hu-attacked Ember's hometown." She gestured with her tail to the largest source of Ember's scent at the moment, hoping she was aiming correctly. She smiled up at Mandy "I already l-like having you around." She murmured, rubbing her head on Mandy's chin "You're... Kind."

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 39 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:20 am

The dread slowly started to fade from Cookie's face. "Right..." Finally, she brought herself to stop hugging, and sat up straighter. "I'm going to try and be braver next time we come across something bad, though," she told Torsolus, looking rather determined. "I don't know what I'll be able to do, but... if I can do something, I want to help stop this thing!" It would seem that she felt quite strongly about putting an end to the suffering caused by their enemy; her desire to prevent further tragedies was coming through in her voice quite clearly.
Vigilant Guardian
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