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Ask Majiskull

HEY PEOPLES. This is the thread where you're encouraged to relentlessly pelt the members of #Majiskull (a band of OCs by Misty and I) with questions and other things. You may ask any of them basically anything, no matter how pointless, and possibly even ask them to DO THINGS. >3

Let me introduce the band, for anyone who isn't familiar with them (Note: On-stage, they wear elaborate costumes, which are pictured on the left side of their concept arts)-

Samantha Pearce (Stage name: Skull) - Leader and drummer of the group.

Mandy McKenna (Stage name: Spikey) - The bassist. Considered the band's gentlest member.

Alexa Bonucci (Stage name: Dragonette) - Their lead guitarist. Loves "dark" things, and can be a bit of a troublemaker.

Gabby Leclair (Stage name: Dinogirl) - The lead singer and rhythm guitarist. Energetic, mischievous, and scrappy.

Again, you may ask any one of these characters (or any combination of them) anything. >:3 I'll be handling Samantha and Alexa's questions, while Misty will be handling Mandy and Gabby's questions, as those are the characters we created, respectively. As for questions directed to certain combinations (such as Samantha and Mandy), it could be either one of us who draws, but both of us will give input.



(PS: You don't even need to wait for the last question to be replied to before posting yours, so go nuts. >:3)

(PSS: I almost forgot to mention that, some time before this thread was made, our mum asked the band "question #0". She questioned if they owned a cowbell, and one has been confirmed to exist as a part of Sam's drum kit. *The more you know*)
by Swallowfeather
on Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:42 pm
Search in: Ancient art tunnels
Topic: Ask Majiskull
Replies: 2
Views: 448

Majiskull - The RP (Whitefeather and Mistystar)

HELLO, VIEWERS. This is an RP about #Majiskull (formerly known as "Skulltimate"); a young and passionate prog metal band that's known for putting on epic shows. I'm not sure how or where this RP will go, but let's try it anyway. :3

There will be no forms, but viewers can get to know the characters as we RP them.
Allow me to list the most major characters-

The Phantom Knight, Skull - Samantha Pearce (Drums) (Whitefeather)
The Quakemaker, Spikey - Mandy McKenna (Bass) (Mistystar)
The Drakespawn, Dragonette - Alexa Bonucci (Guitar) (Whitefeather)
The [catchy title here], Dinogirl - Gabby Leclair (Lead vocals, second guitar) (Mistystar)
The bus driver, Gerald (Majiskull's tour bus, sometimes keyboard during shows) (I have no idea who's RPing him)
by Swallowfeather
on Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:58 am
Search in: Private/1x1 RPs
Topic: Majiskull - The RP (Whitefeather and Mistystar)
Replies: 191
Views: 2986

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