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~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:06 am


(OK, this is the part where we do the timeskip we discussed. :D
If you lot have any forms you'd like to throw in with the start of this fresh new "season", now is the PERFECT time. After that, I'll do the first RP post of the season.)
Vigilant Guardian
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:10 am



Name: Flint

Gender: Male

What is this character from? (If an OC just say OC): OC; Kattacus

Species: Kattaca 

Appearance: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Personality and traits: He's loyal, a very good fighter. He tries to be there for you, but he tries to hide his emotion. And he hides it almost too well. For you can't really tell, but he thinks just about as lowly of himself as one can, without being depressed. (though I wouldn't be surprised if he were slightly depressed, but never dangerously so.) And all this leads to one thing; one over riding trait that may turn off anyone he meets, and limit how many friends he has. His anger. 
He is extremely angry, all the time. He'd never give in during an argument, and he'll snap at you for just about anything, while refusing to show his gratitude for things you do for him. Of course, there is one reason for this. And some of you reading this, and the characters you control, know why. But he'd never accept any help offered him. He'd just yell at you and storm off. 
When he's alone though, or particularly hurt, emotionally, or sometimes physically (though most physical pain just makes him much more irritable) You can see his softer side. Either just sitting away from everyone and looking panicked and overwhelmed, to actually looking really sad, sometimes to the point of tears. (though this is extremely rare) 
This may show a hidden personality. One that cannot be dragged out anymore, no matter what is tried. One that is lost, probably forever. 

Abilities/powers/talents/etc. (optional): A mostly close range physical fighter, he uses mainly punches and kicks, some with magical properties such as various glows, or after effects. He also has his "Flurry of Punches" which is similar to 'Close Combat' from the Pokemon world, in that he gets close, and pummels his opponent with an onslaught of fast paced, nearly constant attacks. This move is deathly powerful, but exhausts the user quickly.
He also has his tail. A regular long, short haired cat's tail for the most part, but it has a heavy, metallic star on the end, which can be used as a painful whip, or an effective knife. He can jump into the air, and spin constantly to create a "Sharp Tornado". This move is one of the more powerful of his tail based attacks, and the most common uses of his tail are variations of this, in which he would spin once, or more to swing his tail, to give it more momentum then if he just lashed it on his own. Because of it's weight, it's difficult to get speed on it, and sense Flint in particular is new to his tail, he sometimes can barely lift it off the ground. 

He also has more powers to be unlocked. 

Other: He is the Acting King of Kattacus. For there is no current ruler (though Flint doesn't know this) and Flint was born with the King's Mark, of long fur on his chest, and just recently earned his wings when he grew up.


Name:  Mintpaw

Gender:  Female

What is this character from? (If an OC just say OC): OC; Warriors Universe

Species: Forest Feline (Similar to your basic house cat)

Appearance:  She's a small white she-cat with large grey spots, she also has short, thin wispy fur that's particularly soft to the touch, with large white milky eyes with three hideous scratch scars across her face, cutting her eyes. This renders her blind. 
She does well without her sight though. She hears extremely well, and has learned to smell really well, as well as how to communicate through her paws if necessary (such as if someone who couldn't talk had to talk to her)

Personality and traits: She's really sweet and soft hearted. She takes everything everyone says seriously, so if she was bullied, for example, she wouldn't get mad, she'd feel embarrassed and ashamed. And she'd NEVER stand up for herself. She also rarely gets angry, and is very kind, and good at encouraging and reassuring. She also has a bit of an anxiety disorder. She's always nervous, and doesn't think much of her abilities. She can also get startled easily 

Abilities/powers/talents/etc. (optional): She isn't much of a fighter. I mean, she can fight if she has to, but she's not very good, and she's rather scared of getting hurt. 
Her true talent is in the medical profession. A medicine cat apprentice close to getting her name, her training is almost done, and she knows how to use just about every and any herb or plant she finds. For pill and potion based healing though, she'd be at a loss.

Other: She's Stonestar, leader of MapleClan's daughter. 

(I have more characters they will come later >:3 Their forms will be placed on this post when the characters are introduced)

Last edited by ❤~Tornadostorm~❤ on Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:44 pm; edited 3 times in total

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:20 am

Form 1

Name: Torsolus
Gender: Male
What is this character from?: OC
Species: Hominid
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Completely bleach white skin, black eyes, caped clothes of a slight greyish/pinkish color with odd shapes throughout. Clothes are smooth and thick, making cape a good defensive measure.
Personality and traits: Chivalrous, kindhearted gentleman, caring, heroic, refuses to kill or draw blood in combat. Sometimes overly apologetic but creative and quirky in his endeavors. Rarely voices an opinion WITHOUT apologizing every three seconds.
Abilities/powers/talents/etc: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, relying on punches and kicks. He can also jump exceedingly high and fall long distances unharmed. His clothes appear to be incredibly useful for defense and are difficult to puncture. Otherwise, there seems to be nothing remarkable about him.
Other: He's from an unnamed indie game that was abandoned halfway through development due to poor reviews and financing. His world has succumbed to data corrosion. He is the only survivor.


Form 2

Species: Hylian

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Personality and traits: Heroic and courageous. Cannot speak but can convey thoughts through mild telepathy. Especially somber this time around due to carrying the sadness of the masks he possesses. This poor kid has seen a LOT.

Abilities/powers/talents/etc: His sword and shield, tools, puzzle solving skills, magic, and especially his numerous masks.

Other: Reincarnated after dying last season of Crossovers. Has memory of it but it was thousands of years ago to him. Often seeks his old comrades.

Last edited by Stealthy on Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:04 pm; edited 3 times in total

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Jewelsky Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:34 am

((I'll finally be rejoining the Crossover RP, with a completely fresh start.))

Form for Piko:

Form for Sans:

((The characters' forms are organized in order of their appearance in the RP. I initially planned on adding more characters, but I have gone back on that decision. Of course, there's still a chance that I may add more in the future, but these two should suffice for the time being.))

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:55 pm

(Oooookay, here goes nothing. ;xD I'll post one of my newcomer forms now~)

Name: Athena Cykes
Gender: Female
What is this character from?: Ace Attorney
Species: Human
Appearance: A young woman with a light skin tone, dark blue eyes, and very long, carrot orange hair, tied into a ponytail on the left side of her head with a sky blue ribbon. Her bangs swoop far to the right in a distinctive way, pointing upwards a bit. She wears a white, collared shirt, a yellow, midriff jacket, a yellow skirt, very dark plum tights, white boots with a sky blue rim at the top, and a sky blue necktie. On her right ear, she wears a single, yellow, crescent moon-shaped earring. Additionally, she wears a special, black glove on her right hand, which covers the index finger, middle finger, and thumb, but leaves the ring and little fingers exposed, as well as a small area on the back of the wrist. Lastly, around her neck, she wears a small, high-tech device named "Widget", which resembles a circular screen with a "smiley face" design, as a pendant. Widget's color and expression often change to match Athena's mood, but its "default" look is medium turquoise with a smiling expression.
Personality and traits: Athena is an extremely spirited and emotional person; enthusiastic, cheerful, friendly, quirky, and quick-tempered. She's bright, tenacious, motivated, and extremely loyal to her friends. However, in some situations, her self-confidence may waver a bit. She has a little habit of occasionally using phrases and words from various different languages (something she probably picked up after her time in Europe). Due to her great enthusiasm, she often tends to raise her voice, most likely without even realizing it. Her apparent catchphrase is "Let's do this!".
Abilities/powers/talents/etc.: Athena is a lawyer, and has additionally studied psychology. (Incredible accomplishments, considering her young age of 18.) Her most notable ability, however, is her special, acute sense of hearing. With this incredible gift, she can fully determine somebody's emotions by picking up subtle cues hidden in their voice.
Furthermore, Athena can use her gift in combination with Widget's "Mood Matrix" program, deeply analyzing the emotions hidden behind a person's speech when they seem not to be telling the entire truth, or are even lying. Back in her home universe, this skill is her secret weapon in court. (We most likely won't be seeing it here, though, unless the right time comes to use it.)
Other: Widget has a habit of randomly blurting out Athena's thoughts every now and then.
(There's another major thing I could have included in her "personality" section, but it's 99.9999% likely to be irrelevant in this RP, in addition to being a pretty major spoiler.)
Vigilant Guardian
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:19 pm

(Eeeeee; so many great new characters are coming~ :'D
I'm going to add a newcomer to the mix, too; someone I've been planning on bringing in for a long time~)

Name: Lucas
Gender: Male
What is this character from?: Mother/EarthBound (Specifically Mother 3)
Species: Human
Appearance: Lucas is rather short in height, has a light skin tone, and his eyes are a very dark bluish color. His hair is a bright yellowish blonde, and it goes up in a sort of curved "point" at the front. His usual outfit consists of a red/yellow-striped t-shirt, blue denim shorts, plain white socks, and red/yellow shoes.
Personality and traits: Lucas is a kindhearted, caring, and somewhat shy boy who prefers to avoid conflict when it is possible to do so. However, when faced with a serious situation, he displays much courage and determination. Though usually pretty quiet, he can become quite lively at times, most often when he's with those he is close to. Additionally, he has a notable fondness for nature, as well as animals of any kind. (Will RP out additional details)
Abilities/powers/talents/etc.: Lucas possesses a variety of psychic powers (often referred to as PSI), most of which aid in defense and healing. His most notable offensive PSI technique is incredibly rare, and higher levels of it expend quite a lot of energy. Aside from PSI, he also has the ability to understand and communicate with many kinds of creatures. (Will RP out additional details)
Other: I imagine the events of Mother 3 to have taken place directly before Lucas' appearance in this RP. (More about the exact details of this may come up later on) Also, he will only know techniques from his game of origin, here- thus, he won't be able to use any of those he only has access to in Super Smash Brothers.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:01 pm

(OK; timeskip time~ :D We're going to skip past the funeral/burial and such. We can all get started on stuff right away.)

Back in the village at the foot of the mountain, Cookie sat on a log by the side of the road. She silently thought back to what had just happened recently. Although everything was over, she still felt a little on-edge. A bit empty. Of course, having lost two friends and allies in such a whirlwind of chaos, it was only natural to not feel like oneself.
However, Cookie wasn't feeling entirely unlike herself. Her eyes drifted down to her hand, and darted back and forth across the little piece of paper she currently held. She curiously picked up the odd little note on the mountaintop, and had been wondering about what it meant ever since. As she examined it, she looked like she was deep in thought, but in a comical way.

Robin, also in the village, stood rather nearby to Cookie. Images of the scene at the mountaintop played over and over in his mind. That was definitely a battle he would never forget. He gave a sigh, then idly glanced over to see what Cookie was up to. "Hm..."
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:04 pm

Flint had placed himself on the log next to Cookie, yet as far away from her on said log as he could muster. Seeing her look at a paper, his eyes were naturally drawn to it, and he read it carefully. With a hint of irritation "those look like meet up times, or something, Cookie." He said bluntly. "Cree Beach is right down there." He pointed a bit westward. "I remember hearing about it." he narrowed his eyes, shoving away the memory triggered by his last sentance.


The little cat was walking around through the darkness. Utterly lost. "I don't remember feeling or smelling any of this..." She thought with dismay. Suddenly an unnervingly familiar smell wafted over her nose. "Blood? That's definately blood... Is someone hurt?" she started instinctively following her nose.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:26 pm

"Eh?" Cookie looked over at Flint, then stared in the direction he pointed. "... Is that where it is?" she responded, her focus staying locked onto the horizon for a moment. "... I get this feeling that we should go there," she commented, looking at the paper again. "It says something about a portal... That could be important, right?"

"A portal...?" Robin slowly strolled over and stood beside Cookie, staring down at the paper in her hand. "... Huh... You're right," he acknowledged, sporting a calm, thoughtful expression on his face. "Cookie, where did this paper come from?"

"It was just lying on the ground...!" Cookie responded, staring up at Robin. "I don't think I saw where it came from..."

"I see..." Robin nodded, then appeared to be thinking somewhat deeply. "... Chaos Peak?" he read aloud from the paper. Why do I get this strange feeling that it's referring to... there...? he thought.
Vigilant Guardian
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:29 pm

Flint glanced at the paper, and growled when he heard 'Chaos Peak' quickly getting up, he turned to face the other two compainions. "Come on. It's almost the time on that list. If we wanna catch this portal. We need to go. Now." he said. Emphasizing the last word. Then he turned and strode off. Not waiting for the others to come along.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:39 pm

"A-alright...!" Almost being caught off-guard, Cookie sprang to her feet and scurried after Flint. I wonder what we're gonna meet there...? ... Some kind of dimension-traveling superhero? ... Supervillain? ... Super villain-hero? she wondered to herself. She sort of wanted to ask Flint what he thought, but couldn't bring herself to.

Robin, too, followed along at a slow, steady pace. He could only wonder who would have been the owner of such an odd list. He only hoped it wasn't another grave threat.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:44 pm

Soon they came into its view. The portal opened a couple yards off the waters of the beach. "MAIL CALL!" A voice shouted and dropped a bunch of what appeared to be junk mail onto the sand. It remained open and piling up for several minutes. During this time, a crab approached and complained that the mail wasn't his, then scurried away.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:50 pm

Cookie froze when she saw this scene. "... Uhhhm... ...?!" After staring, wide-eyed, for some time, she began cracking up with laughter. "I-I think we're in a weird dream, guys," she told the others, though she half-believed this was really happening.

Robin, on the other hand, had no words at all. All he could do was stare in utter confusion.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:54 pm

Flint's tail lashed "Oh COME OOOON! We have to sort through AALLL that mail?" But he continued to determindly stride forward 'I-I think we're in a weird dream, guys," He quickly stopped her "No, this is the Chaos Kin's doing." He marched on, crouched by the mail, and began sorting. Occasionally glancing wearily at the portal.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:56 pm

The portal began to close. The same white hand stuck out again, struggling to hold it open. The familiar voice sounded again.

"Um...umm...UM!! Ok..."

It slammed down on the hand.


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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:58 pm

Thinking quickly and on instinct, Flint leapt to his feet (mostly in surprise) and stuck his hand into the portal, and started trying to pull it apart. Honestly, he didn't want to have to travel to the next location.  When he struggled to get it to open further, he shouted angrily "ARE YOU TWO GONNA HELP ME OR NOT!?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:01 pm

At first, Cookie cautiously inched forward, but when she saw the hand, she gasped. The voice coming from the portal sounded very frantic. "C-COMING!" she called to Flint as she rushed to his side to help. Without hesitation, she pushed her hands against the edges of the portal with all her might.

Robin, too, rushed over to help. Since the others seemed to have keeping the portal open covered, he reached out to give the strange hand something to hang on to. "Here; take my hand!" he called into the portal.
Vigilant Guardian
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:03 pm

"Whaaa-... Huh?!" Pit watched in utter confusion at the scene unfolding before them. He had seen some very odd things during some of his past adventures, but this was still an unusual sight for him.

Lucina, much like Robin, remained completely silent. Her eyes were slightly widened with disbelief as she stared ahead.

Then, seeing the hand and the chaos that quickly unfolded, both Pit and Lucina stepped forward, preparing to be of assistance in any way that they could.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:10 pm

The white hand grabbed Robin's and tugged, dragging its owner through the portal barely in time before it closed.

The white, simple-looking figure looked a bewildered mess on the ground. He quickly collected himself. Still a little tired-looking, he stood and spoke.

"Thank you so so so so so so much!! Oh cripes! Okay. Seriously...that was basically my last chance. The forest has no inhabitants and I sure as muffins wasn't gonna try that spider cave! I would've floated in that portal world forever. Thank you thank you thank you thaaaaaaaaank--OH! Ok. Can't be rude." He reached out his same stubby white hand. "My name is Torsolus."

Name: Torsolus
Gender: Male
What is this character from?: OC
Species: Hominid
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Completely bleach white skin, black eyes, caped clothes of a slight greyish/pinkish color with odd shapes throughout. Clothes are smooth and thick, making cape a good defensive measure.
Personality and traits: Chivalrous, kindhearted gentleman, caring, heroic, refuses to kill or draw blood in combat. Sometimes overly apologetic but creative and quirky in his endeavors. Rarely voices an opinion WITHOUT apologizing every three seconds.
Abilities/powers/talents/etc: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, relying on punches and kicks. He can also jump exceedingly high and fall long distances unharmed. His clothes appear to be incredibly useful for defense and are difficult to puncture. Otherwise, there seems to be nothing remarkable about him.
Other: He's from an unnamed indie game that was abandoned halfway through development due to poor reviews and financing. His world has succumbed to data corrosion. He is the only survivor.

Last edited by Stealthy on Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:25 pm

Robin was almost overwhelmed by the stranger's frantic-sounding words. "Y-you're welcome...! Hey, we couldn't just leave you there, sounding so distressed," he responded with a bit of an awkward chuckle. "Anyway, nice to meet you," he continued in greeting, returning the handshake. "I'm Robin.

Cookie hopped back a bit when the newcomer came flying out of the portal. However, she soon realized that this individual didn't seem at all like a threat. "Hey!" she greeted with a grin. "I'm Cookie. Glad you're safe!"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:29 pm

Flint reeled when the little man came out. He stared at him "What ARE you?" He asked, looking Torsolus up and down.
Narrowing his eyes, he added "It was just luck we were there." to Torsolus it would sound like he meant here right now, to his comrades, it would sound like he meant at Chaos Peak.


The little cat wandered towards somewhere where the smell of two-legs was overwhelming. She tried to fight it off, and scent only the blood trail she was following. She turned sharply to the left, not sure where she was headed, and slowly made her way down towards the beach.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:38 pm

Relieved to see that this individual didn't seem like a threat, Pit gave him a friendly grin. "'Heya...! I'm Pit," he greeted, extending his arm in front of himself for a handshake.

"Hello, Torsolus," Lucina spoke with a small, polite nod of her head in greeting. "My name is Lucina."
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:49 pm

Torsolus returned all the handshakes. "Good to meet you! Good to meet all of you! I still can't get over it. So happy to meet such kind, helpful folks--"

He was a little startled by Flint's brashness.

"A...hominid. A happy hominid who would very much like to repay your kindness somehow."

When Flint responded that they were just there by chance, Torsolus looked a little sad.

"...Okay. Well...you could've chosen to leave me be. You were the first to come to my rescue, right sir? And I'm very glad you did." He vigorously shook Flint's hand.

"Well...I don't have anything to do, really...but I wouldn't mind traveling with you fine folks, if you don't mind me asking. If you don't got room I'm sorry I asked, and it's all perfectly well and good."

Last edited by Stealthy on Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 11 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:54 pm

Flint quickly pulled back his hand when Torsolus shook it. He gave the 'Homid' an annoyed glare, but said in response to his question. "Actually. We wouldn't mind traveling compainions." The words caught in his throat, and they sounded strained when he said them. The truth was, he was worried about what would happen to Torsolus if he joined them. "We're about to face some... Troubles... And any extra assistance would be nice." He huffed in finallity and looked down and to the left to avoid eye contact.

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Post by Swallowfeather Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:05 am

"Yeah, we'd be so cool with you joining us!" Cookie chimed in. "We're gonna go fight monsters and protect people and stuff!" She was brimming with enthusiasm as she explained their situation to Torsolus, almost as if she had forgotten their troubles in the excitement of meeting a new ally and potential friend.

Robin smiled slightly, glad to have such a polite new ally with the group.
Vigilant Guardian
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