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~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:39 am

Torsolus loosened his grip, almost drooping a little, but still held on. ".....Right!" His voice cracked. "Best friends. Of course! The very best......but even if I don't live in your house, can I live in your world? I can build my own house, close to yours!"

He heard Mintpaw's outburst, and turned to look, still hanging on. "Uhh....is she talking about what happened in the bar...?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:47 am

When Lucina suddenly heard Flint's voice, she realized that she had been staring at him by complete accident. "Oh...! ... My apologies, Flint; I didn't mean to stare like that," she began to explain, giving a small, respectful bow to the winged Kattaca. "I was just lost in thought, and didn't notice where I was looking." For a few moments, she went silent once more as she glanced away, but eventually returned her gaze to Flint with a thoughtful look. "However, we could always talk for a moment, anyway... If you'd be OK with it, of course."


(Sudden new character tiiiiiime~ :D)

Name- Mandy McKenna
Gender- Female
Age- 18
What is this character from?- OC
Species- Human
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(On the left is her costumed, on-stage appearance, and on the right is her everyday "casual" appearance; she'll be appearing here with the latter.)

Personality and traits-
Gentle, kind, and soft-spoken, Mandy generally has a very laid-back disposition. Though usually quiet and somewhat reserved, when she's around her closest friends, she is often much more open to joking around, and may even be prone to acting rather goofy sometimes, when she's feeling particularly relaxed. However, her self-confidence can occasionally waver, and she can be timid, insecure, and clumsy, at times.
Possessing a big appetite and a general fondness for foods of many kinds, Mandy could be considered quite an adventurous eater, often willing to try out an interesting new dish. When it comes to food, though, her willpower is usually highly lacking, leading her to sometimes get carried away and wind up overeating. (RPing out any additional details~)

She's skilled at playing bass guitar, being Majiskull's bassist, and can also provide backup vocals when needed. (RPing out anything else)
As mentioned above, she's a member of the band "Majiskull", alongside three of her friends. Her onstage persona is known as "Spikey the Quakemaker".

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:32 pm

"SURE!" Cookie seemed thrilled about the idea of Torsolus possibly "moving" to Blossomwood. However, just as she was about to suggest that she introduce him to all of her best friends as soon as possible, she noticed Mintpaw's cries, as well, and also quickly looked in the sound's direction (while still hugging, of course). "I... think so... maybe...?" she said slowly, wondering what exactly was going on.

Robin carefully cradled Mintpaw as she pressed into him. "There, there... I honestly don't believe he intended to deceive you," he assured her gently. "That entire scene was so chaotic... It would have been easy for a misunderstanding to happen, whether by someone misspeaking, or being misheard." He adjusted his position so that they would both be more comfortable, now sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. "I'm sure that's all this is... a misunderstanding."


"...?" Leaf, who had been somewhat lost in uneasy thought as she walked, paused and looked down at Callie wen she heard her speak. Then, she looked towards the sky. It did appear to be quickly growing darker. Turning her attention back to Callie, she gave a little nod in agreement. Then, she scanned their surroundings for a suitable spot to spend the night.

Clefairy quickly joined in, darting from place to place and trying to imagine, one by one, what it would look like if they set up camp in each.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:05 pm

Torsolus finally let go, excused himself, and shuffled over to the outburst.

"Hi! How--how're we doin'? Is everything a-okay here??"

Link sat by the fire, warming his hands. He looked at them with curiosity, remembering his once grown-up, strong hands, able to grasp a longsword.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:30 pm

Mintpaw pulled ever so slightly away from Robin. "T-Torsolus... erm..." She seemed very uncertain about how to word her issue, or even if she wanted to bring it up to Torsolus. She let out a big sigh, to try and calm herself down. "I... I'm really sorry." She whispered to both her companions present "I.. I shouldn't shout, I.. I didn't mean to.. I... I... Yeah.." She gave a gentle smile. Yet she still wasn't sure how to go about addressing Torsolus.

Flint sighed, and glanced at Lucina. He couldn't think of a decent reason to reject her request, and so, he murmured "Ok, fine. What do you want to talk about?" He leaned further back against the tree, and crossed his arms.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:40 pm

"That's okay. Sorry for butting in," Torsolus smiled. "I don't like seeing my friends upset. And I don't like seeing.....well.........I mean........idontlikewatchingthembetraumatizedbyzombieparticlepeople!"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:53 pm

Lucina was silent for a short while as she thought, wondering how she should go about starting their conversation. "... Well... How have you been holding up, recently...?" she asked rather slowly, unsure if this had been an ideal subject to begin with.


Seeing that both Leaf and Clefairy agreed with her, Callie proceeded to start looking for a place to set up camp, as well. "Hmm..."
Eventually, her gaze settled on a reasonably spacious, clear patch of land. "Ooh!" Pointing to it, she once again looked up at Leaf. "That place looks pretty good, don'tcha think?"
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:14 pm

When she reached the busiest part of camp, Marie saw Link sitting by the fire. As he didn't seem to be occupied with anything in particular at the moment, she decided to speak with him. "Hey there," she greeted with a little wave, followed by a bow. "Any idea what's for supper tonight? I'm... kinda starving, actually," she asked with a little chuckle, scratching the back of her head.


Hearing Callie, Leaf turned to see where she was pointing. Seeing the perfect area for their camp, she smiled slightly and nodded. Then, she headed there, put her bag down, took out some supplies, and got to work setting up camp for the night.

Clefairy eagerly and happily helped her trainer with the preparations.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:17 pm

Link looked around camp to see if he could spot anyone cooking supper. He turned back to Marie with a blank look and a tiny shrug.

(Short post! It's on purpose I promise)

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:42 pm

Flint took a deep breath, trying to contain his apprehension of the small talk, he grumbled "I've been fine." After a moment, he forced the addition "...you...?" He unnoticeably tightened his arms closer around his chest, the thick fabric of his red sweater, and the green and white stripped tee underneath comforting in this rather uncomfortable situation.

Mintpaw gave a half smile "I-I'm sorry Torsolus... Honestly, I was just.... Confiding... in R-Robin abou-about uhh.. Urrmm.. An-Annalise." She looked down at her paws with her milky eyes in shame.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:48 pm

"Ohhhh..." Marie looked a little confused, so she glanced around, herself, to see if she could spot anyone. Then, she realized what Link had meant. "... Wait, so nobody's handling supper right now?" she asked, sounding surprised.

Robin gently scratched Mintpaw's back, between her shoulders. "It seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding," he told Torsolus calmly.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:54 pm

"Haha, I see.....thanks Robin. And, that's okay, Mintpaw......I'm sorry for bothering you." He smiled once more, constantly forgetting that she couldn't see him. He affectionately gave her a little scratch on the head, and prepared to go back to Cookie.....

Link cringed a little, and shrugged and shook his head.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:54 pm

"I'm fine, too... thanks," Lucina responded to Flint's question, smiling ever-so-subtly. When she saw just how uncomfortable he seemed, however, she was hesitant to keep their conversation going.

All of a sudden, some nearby bushes rustled, and a girl looking to be in her late teens wandered into the edge of camp. The girl looked confused, as well as rather frightened, but a clear expression of relief appeared on her face when she saw the large group.


Callie quickly got to work helping her companions. "Ahhh, I'm SO thankful you have supplies with you...!" she told Leaf with a relieved sigh. "I dunno what would've happened if I were still on my own... I don't really have anything with me, other than my Roller," she continued while still helping to prepare the camp.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:00 am

Link turned and looked when he heard the bushes, unafraid.

Ember looked up from laying out blankets.

Torsolus got up and awkwardly stepped over everything.

"Hello! Excuse me, miss! Hi! Hello!" He rigorously shook her hand with both of his. "Are you alright? Did you need any help?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:28 am

"That's crazy...! Someone's gonna have to get on that," Marie remarked, putting a hand on her hip. Just then, she heard the rustling. "Eh...?" Upon looking in the direction of the sound, she spotted a completely unfamiliar person standing at the edge of camp. "Hey, whozzat?" she wondered aloud, tilting her head ever-so-slightly. "Never seen her before..."

Robin, too, looked towards the bushes upon hearing them rustle, only to see a complete stranger standing there. She didn't appear at all hostile, however, causing him to feel quite relieved. After the day they had, the last thing they needed was a surprise attack in camp.

Cookie instantly looked towards the source of the rustling, and, gasping, froze in surprise when she saw the person who had emerged from them. She would have said something, but found herself too astonished to say anything at the moment. She just stood there, eyes wide and jaw hanging open.


Leaf smiled and chuckled a little, happy to see Callie's relief and gratitude.
It didn't take long for the three of them to set up camp, which mainly consisted of a campfire with logs arranged nearby for seats.
Once the campfire had been started, Leaf sat on one of the logs, taking a particular treat out of her bag; a small bag of marshmallows.
"Fairy! Fairy!" Clefairy cheered upon seeing the marshmallows, and instantly dashed off to find a good stick to roast some on.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:44 am

Flint's ears perked, and he looked past Lucina towards the bushes. he narrowed his eyes skeptically when the young woman made her way into their camping area. "Who are you?" He asked, with a tone of warning, standing up.

Mintpaw heard the bushes, and was looking over there before they visibly rustled. When the girl entered the camp, she parted her jaws, and scented the air. resting a paw on the dirt so she could figure out what she could from her steps. "h-he-hello?? Wh-Who's there?"

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:59 am

The girl's blue eyes widened when Torsolus suddenly approached and gave her a rigorous handshake. For a moment, all she could do was slowly and silently return it, maintaining her wide-eyed, somewhat overwhelmed expression the entire time. "H-hey... Er... Hi?" she eventually stammered in greeting, sounding a little nervous. However, seeing the humanoid's apparent concern quickly helped her begin to feel at ease. "I'm... I'm OK... Thanks..." she responded to his questions, managing a soft smile.
When the girl heard Flint's warning tone, her smile quickly faded, and she shrunk back a bit. "I-I'm, uh... My name's Mandy..." she explained quietly, preparing herself to run if things took a turn for the worse.


Callie gasped when she saw the treat Leaf had pulled out. "Marshmallows!!" she exclaimed brightly, hungrily eying the bag. "Hold on; lemme find a stick for those!" Eagerly, she dashed off to look for a suitable stick of her own.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:36 am

"It IS you!!" Cookie suddenly cried, instantly running over to meet Mandy. "Oh my creampuff, I can't believe it! I wasn't quite sure at first, 'cause this is all just so SUDDEN, y'know?! Like, what are the odds?! Especially HERE of all places!!" she babbled excitedly, hardly able to believe what was happening. Then, she took a breath. "Sorry, sorry... I'm not being annoying, am I??" she asked a little nervously. "I'm just... SUCH. A FAN."

Seeing the newcomer's awkwardness, an empathetic expression came to Marie's face. Being rather shy, herself, she understood how she must have felt right now. For the same reason, she cringed slightly when Cookie suddenly ran up to her, overflowing with excited talk. However, she then realized that, judging by her reaction, Cookie must know who this sudden stranger is.


Smiling, Leaf put the bag of marshmallows down on the log, then also went to look for a stick. Although in truth, she couldn't stop worrying about her missing Pokémon, she had a feeling tonight was going to be rather fun, almost lighthearted.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:44 am

Flint stiffened "C-Cookiee...." His tone was deep, but his words to soft to be heard by most. He took a half step forward, ready to intervene.

Mintpaw instantly relaxed at Cookie's excited response. She leapt down from Robin's lap, (however much she wanted to stay and be pet by him) and made her way over to the two girls, rubbing herself on Cookie (whapping her head into Cookie's leg before aiming right) then literally bumping into Mandy by accident.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:05 am

"Ngaah!" Already feeling on-edge, Mandy jumped slightly when Cookie suddenly cried out and came running over. At first, she just stared blankly as the younger girl excitedly spoke, her somewhat numb, overwhelmed expression once again softening as she listened. With all the confusion and uncertainty she had felt since waking up in this unfamiliar place, it was rather comforting to run into someone who apparently recognized her. "Nah... Y-you're not," she responded to her nervous question, giving a small, gentle smile.
Then, feeling something bump into her leg all of a sudden, Mandy gasped and quickly looked down. When she was greeted by the sight of a little cat, however, she couldn't help chuckling slightly. "O-oh; hi there...!"


After a short while of searching, Callie returned to the campfire holding a long, fairly straight stick. Taking a seat on one of the surrounding logs, she quickly pulled a marshmallow out of the bag, slid it onto the end of her stick, and held it over the fire. As she let it roast for a few moments, her thoughts began to drift. Marie would totally be asking if she could eat a hot dog, instead... When her cousin came to mind, she gave a subtle, sad sigh.

Last edited by Mistystar on Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Stealthy Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:20 pm

"Cookie, you know her??" Torsolus asked, mildly surprised. "Is she famous, er....OH! Excuse me!" he added to Mandy. "This is my good friend Cookie, and thiiiiis little friend is Mintpaw!" He picked her up.

"Oh! And back there is my good friend Robin, my good friend Marie, my good friend Flint, my good friend Ember, my good friend Link, my good friend Lucina, my good friend Pit, and my good friend Marie! OH! And my name's Torsolus." He did a cute little bow.

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Swallowfeather Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:43 pm

Robin, who had risen to his feet a moment ago, gave Mandy a little wave as Torsolus spoke his name.

Marie waved, as well, but somewhat shyly.

"OK, phew..." Cookie looked very relieved that she hadn't already offended Mandy, having only just met her. Still, she was just as excited as before about suddenly meeting one of her favorite musicians, and truly hoped she would end up joining the party. "Yeah, she plays the bass in one of my favorite bands!" she told Torsolus in response to his question. "She's reeeaaally good."


Leaf and Clefairy soon returned to the fire, as well, each holding a carefully-chosen stick.
Leaf sat beside Callie on the log, then took a marshmallow, stuck it on the end of her stick, and started roasting it. As she did, she glanced down at Callie, noticing that she looked a little thoughtful. Looking a bit puzzled, she tilted her head slightly.

Clefairy sat by Leaf's other side, happily watching the marshmallow she was roasting in the fire. She seemed to be overdoing it a bit, however.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:49 pm

Mintpaw let out a little murrow as she was picked up, having not expected to be touched, but didn't fight as Torsolus held her close to his chest. She did squirm a bit until she was more comfortable, but it wasn't hard to find a comfortable position in the Hominid's arms.

Flint gave a quick flick of his hand, as a very half hearted wave when Torsolus introduced him. He appreciated not having to speak up himself. He then rested his arms in his pockets, internally studying Mandy, to try to get a handle on her fighting capability. He knew she'd be needing at some point, and he wasn't sure how he felt about a weak fighter joining their party.

Last edited by Tornadostorm on Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Mistystar Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:20 pm

Lucina daintily waved her hand as Torsolus introduced her, dipping her head in greeting to Mandy.

Pit also gave a wave, an enthusiastic grin on his face.

Seeing the various, mainly friendly greetings from the group, Mandy began to relax further. "Heya; nice to meet you guys," she responded to them somewhat quietly, but still warmly, waving back. Then, she glanced over at Cookie, smiling shyly. "Aww... Thanks, heheh."


Callie bobbed her head in acknowledgement when Leaf and Clefairy returned, still somewhat deep in thought. She remained like this for a few moments, only completely snapping out of it when the Pokémon trainer glanced at her, seemingly confused. "Ah! Sorry...! I was just kinda... thinking about stuff," she explained, trying to push back her sadness with a wide, slightly awkward grin.
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1001 - ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~ - Page 36 Empty Re: ~Crossover Chronicles (Thread 5)~

Post by Tornadostorm Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:50 am

Mintpaw leapt out of Torsolus's arms, and after a moment of hesitation, leapt onto Mandy's shoulder. "Hey we'd love you to join our group!" she said happily, to Mandy, but staring at nothing. (she was quietly happy Mandy hadn't seemed to have pointed out her eyes yet. It was a nice change up)

Flint stiffened at the little cat's words, having not decided whether it was a good idea or not to invite her yet. He just subtly put a hand to his forehead. It was pointless to stop Mintpaw now, the idea had been posed.

Last edited by Tornadostorm on Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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